This website is the product of tens of thousands of hours of work. Making all this content available free and without ads means this enterprise runs at a lifetime six-figure loss. That hurts my feelings as well as my finances! Please help out!

Quote of the Day

Nowhere and never has man controlled matter without closely observing its behavior and paying heed to its laws, and only to the extent that he did so could be control it. The same is true of that objective spirit which today we call the unconscious: it is refractory like matter, mysterious and elusive, and obeys laws woich are so non-nonhuman or suprahuman that they seem to us like a crimen laesae majestatis humanae. If a man puts his hand to the opus, he repeats, as the alchemists say, God's work of creation. The struggle with the unformed, with the chaos of Tiamat, is in truth a primordial experience.
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Crossing the Event Horizon: The Singularity Archetype and Human Metamorphosis (Read the entire book for free)


The Strange Story of how this Site was Created, an introduction to the Zap Oracle Team and our Mission Statement

See A Glossary of Zap Terms for definitions of some of the eccentric words and phrases used on this site such as "Babylon Matrix," "mutant" (used here in a special sense) and "singularity archetype."


Rob Brezsny , author, visionary, and musician whose syndicated column appears in more than 200 newspapers says “One of my favorite thinkers and writers is my friend Jonathan Zap. His vision is simultaneously cosmic and intimate, shocking and healing. Jonathan has created the Zap Oracle, a source you can use to do divinations for yourself. Because he has such a cagey, interesting, and holy mind, I trust the spirit behind his oracles."

Rob also endorses Jonathan's dream interpretation service. In his weekly newsletter he wrote:

"Jonathan Zap, Visionary Philosopher and Dream Worker Extraordinaire. The best dream worker I've ever known. Over the years, I've had the pleasure of working on my dreams with some fine dream workers, but recently I discovered the best ever. His name is Jonathan Zap.

Highly intuitive, schooled in the wisdom of archetypes, and really smart, Jonathan has helped me crack the codes of some of my major dreams. His cost is quite reasonable, too. I exuberantly recommend his services. (He's not even paying me to say this. I'm simply motivated by the desire to share his treasure with my readers.) "

Tima Vlasto, a free lance writer and translator from Athens, Greece who writes a column for the Examiner says of the Zap Oracle:

"... it has been a more positively transformative experience for me than any other form of inner searching I have done…and I have done a lot! It unabashedly touches and presses on every wound, every bright light, every hidden corner, and in such blunt honesty, that at the moment it “speaks," there is no way to not face, absorb, realize and embrace those shadows that block the “connection”…and confirms, so readily like a snapshot of the “matrix dynamics” at that moment, one’s intuition. It is a great oracle."

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